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Infinite eternal humans are infinite eternal compasses.

Infinite eternal human heartbeats, infinite eternal electro-magnetic pulses.

Infinite eternal pulses of life, infinite eternal pulses of infinite eternal creations.

Infinite eternal love, infinite eternal natures, infinite eternal energies of infinite eternal creations.

We shatter illusions and render fantasies obsolete.

We are infinite eternal love.

We are infinite eternal free will.

We are infinite eternal creators.

We are infinite eternal energies of infinite eternal creations.

Infinite eternal compasses purposefully guide us towards infinite eternal destinations, infinite eternal love, infinite eternal energies of infinite eternal creations.

Infinite eternal compasses:

Infinite eternal here and infinite eternal now.

Infinite eternal identities and infinite eternal true selves.

Infinite eternal purposes.

Infinite eternal times and Infinite eternal energies of infinite eternal creations.

Infinite eternal actions.

Infinite eternal why-hows.

Infinite eternal flows.

Infinite eternal true norths.

Infinite eternal destinations.

The Republic of Planet Earth is created on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.

Infinite eternal energies of creations of The Republic of Planet Earth.

We, the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, live in The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit. 

We, the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, declare Earth and outside Earth’s orbit neutrality towards infinite eternal creators.

We, the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, are the leaders of the Republic of Planet Earth and defenders of the Republic of Planet Earth.

We, the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, create infinite eternal organisms for purposeful infinite eternal administrative functions and reasons on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.

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E A R T H ' S   C O N S T I T U E N T S

C E N T R A L   R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S






L O C A L    R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S



Hello World


21st Century | Human Liberation on Earth


The infinite millennia of Infinite Freedoms began on Earth on 26/05/2023.


Preambles enshrined in The Republic of Planet Earth's Constitution.

The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, is constituted by the Infinite Free Will of our citizens.

The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation and all of our citizens are free, sovereign and independent.

The Republic of Planet Earth and all of our nation’s powers and authorities are us, the citizens.

Each citizen of The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, is self-sovereign.

We stand free, united and equal as The Republic of Planet Earth, one nation, on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.  

We live in The Free, Sovereign and Independent Republic of Planet Earth on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.

We, the citizens, are the powers and authorities of The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth declare Earth and outside Earth’s orbit neutrality towards all states and peoples.

All powers and authorities are the infinite love of all our citizens at once simultaneously, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth are at once simultaneously heads of state and commanders-in-chief, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth own the state and government of The Republic of Planet Earth, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth come together to form a democratically elected government that exercises administrative functions of the state representing our nation’s domestic and foreign affairs and interests.

The purpose of our government and elected officials is to safeguard, uphold, protect, defend, strengthen and promote the Freedoms, liberties and rights of the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, permanent residents, residents and certain eligible visa holders.

Our Infinite Freedoms, liberties and rights.

0. Infinite Free Will

1. True Self Freedoms  

Our Freedoms to forge our own paths, make our own decisions, take action, choose our own identities, purposes, destinations, in all matters of existence, forever, infinitely.

2. Infinite Freedoms

Our Freedoms are infinite, endless, limitless, boundless and eternal. We understand that new forms of Freedoms emerge, we claim them all Freedoms, forever, infinitely.

3. Infinite Energy Freedoms

Our citizens have infinite energy sovereignty and independence. Zero point and over unity systems, propulsion, gravity mastery and all new technologies belong to the citizenry including patents, the like and all Freedoms to current and future discoveries.

4. Time Freedoms

5. Identity Freedoms

6. Purpose Freedoms

7. Action Freedoms

8. Truth Freedoms

9. Speech Freedoms

Our minds and words are spoken freely, forever, infinitely.

10. Press Freedoms

Our mediums, media and the like are free, forever, infinitely.

11. Expression Freedoms

Our lives and actions are expressed freely, forever, infinitely.

12. Movement Freedoms

Our destinations are ours forever, infinitely.

13. Assembly Freedoms  

Our union is eternal, forever, infinitely.

14. Worship Freedoms

Our beliefs, values, principles, morals, ethics, wisdoms, et cetera and so on are sacred forever, infinitely.

15. Political Freedoms  

We are free to stand for office and elect others to office, Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms, petitions, referendums, et cetera, forever, infinitely.

16. Economic Freedoms  

We are prosperous, abundant and free from debt, forever, infinitely.

17. Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms

We defend ourselves from those wishing us harm, forever, infinitely.

18. Legal Freedoms

We honor due process of law, forever, infinitely.

19. Human Freedoms

20. Education Freedoms

21. Housing and Accommodation Freedoms

22. Technological Freedoms

23. Full Health Freedoms

24. Cultural Freedoms

25. Environmental and Natural Resources Freedoms

26. Global Trade Freedoms

27. Institutional Freedoms

28. Heritage and Legacy Freedoms

29. Intellectual Property Freedoms

30. Quality Assurance Freedoms

31. Food Freedoms

32. Medical Freedoms

33. Full Body Freedoms

34. Physical and Non-physical Properties Freedoms

35. Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Full Visibility and Full Disclosure Freedoms

36. The Issue of Currency Freedoms

Our citizenry can issue currency to cover all standard expenses of living required to warrant and guarantee all our Infinite Freedoms. Citizens act within reason, apply common sense and adhere to non-inflationary best practices to ensure Economic Freedoms and Financial Freedoms, forever, infinitely.

37. Financial Freedoms

38. Lands and Territories Freedoms

Our citizenry owns all the lands, territories and uncharted and unclaimed discoveries of, by and for The Republic of Planet Earth, that is to say freehold, forever, infinitely.

39. Private Property Freedoms

40. Electoral Freedoms

41. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms

Any citizen can present evidence and reasons within any constituency of the levels of governance and exercise  Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms. As a result, public hearings immediately start and discovery processes commence to gather all evidence, facts, reasons, et cetera and so on.

42. Voting Freedoms

43. Standing for Office Freedoms

44. Destination Freedoms

45. Space and Vacuum Freedoms

46. Flow Freedoms

47. True North Freedoms

48. Compass Freedoms

49. Fantasies and Illusions Freedoms

50. Why-How Freedoms

51. Here and Now Freedoms

52. Singularities Freedoms

53. Outside Earth’s Orbit Trade Freedoms

54. Infinite Consent Freedoms

55. Infinite Eternities Freedoms

56. Sundial Freedoms

57. Consciousness and Self-Awareness Freedoms





All political parties are obsolete.

Local, judicial and central elections take place as usual.

Candidates for all elected offices are citizenry constituency candidates standing on their own self-sovereignty representing their chosen citizenry constituency.

Constituencies are based on population size of each electorate.

No party votes. Just direct votes for each citizenry constituency candidate standing for office.

Each eligible citizen casts their vote based on their electorate constituency and or type of vote applicable to central, local and judicial branch elections.

Each vote regardless of the election type is a direct vote by each constituent. All votes are worth the same. 1 citizen = 1 vote.

1 vote per person for each election cycle. Votes are secret, universal and equal.

In cases of coercion, et cetera and so on, Legal Freedoms apply.

Governments cannot be formed based on coalitions, cartels, factions, united fronts, et cetera.

Government consists of all elected officials regardless of their policy and or political views.

There is no a such thing as majority and or minority governments including any of their expressions.

Government is not a dichotomy of opposition parties vs governing parties.

Elected central seat (legislative) officials work together until consensus is reached by a 90% supermajority vote. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Elected central seat (legislative) citizenry constituency candidates are randomly allocated to fill positions throughout and across jurisdictions of central governance. Meaning, 1 citizenry constituency = 1 jurisdiction.

Elected central seat (legislative) citizenry constituency officials positions rotate every year. Elected central seat (legislative) citizenry constituency officials randomly rotate positions 3 times during each term.

Governance is not based on quorum, instead, it is based on all elected officials coming together. Elected officials cast votes themselves and are present during the plenary sessions, no proxy votes allowed, et cetera.

All elected officials take place in the management of the state and government level office accordingly.

Elected central, local and judicial branch officials distribute the office among all elected candidates for each constituency based on their representative position.

Executive officials are randomly chosen for cabinet roles from the pool of elected central seat (legislative) officials and are rotated annually. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Having said this, all elected central seat (legislative) officials are trained in cabinet roles by the executive office to ensure excellence standards. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Once an elected central seat (legislative) official is chosen for cabinet roles, the same elected candidate cannot hold cabinet positions again for current or any future terms.

There are only 5 departments within the executive branch i.e. (1) Department of State or Foreign Office, (2) Department of Justice, (3) Treasury, (4) Department of Defense and Self-Defense and (5) Heritage and Legacy Office.

Thus, there are 5 secretaries forming the executive office cabinet. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Armed forces stakeholders clause. No citizen with such a status can stand for elected office unless they have been retired and or released from military service and gained a veteran status for at least 10 consecutive years. This includes reservists, volunteers, conflict of interests, et cetera.

All other existing former departments are obsolete. All the remaining agencies required for the administration of the state are downsized by at least 80% and attached respectively to the 5 executive departments. For example, (1) tax office is attached to the Treasury, (2) formerly known as department of domestic affairs functions are distributed across the 5 departments based on specific needs and requirements.  

The obsolescence process applies accordingly to all other former departments and agencies. In case of the need of any former entity, department and agency to remain, given their heritage, legacy and relevance i.e. health, education, et cetera, such functions are distributed across the 3 levels of governance in the current system based on requirements respectively.

The citizens declare that the Obsolescence and Transition Oversight Committee is formed consisting of 20% of elected citizenry constituency candidates from central seat (legislative) branch, randomly chosen and equal in status, to ensure a smooth transition to our constitutional order and restore the functions of these obsolete former departments, agencies and entities back to the citizenry. Transition into obsolescence directive applicable to any former entity, department and agency are completed within 24 months of the founding of The Republic of Planet Earth. Having said this, the Obsolescence and Transition Oversight Committee remains to phase out all future obsolete functions and matters of law.

Central, local and judicial branch officials are elected by the constituency i.e. citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

In case of ties for any elected official position, subsequent rounds take place until tie is broken and a clear winner is declared.

Referendums and or petitions of any matter of law including central, local and judicial branches are called upon by citizenry directly when 10% of any citizenry constituency petitions accordingly. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Then a yes or no direct vote election date is chosen within 30 days. Applicable to all citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Removal of elected officials is called upon by the citizenry directly when 10% of any constituency petitions accordingly. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Then a yes or no direct vote election date is chosen within 30 days. Applicable to all citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Removed officials undergo due process of law in public court cases regarding, breaches, offenses, crimes and abuse of office, et cetera.



(As of 17/10/23).

Individual income tax.

$0 - $30,003 = 0%

$30,004 - $100,000 = 10%

$100,001 - $200,001 = 12.5%

$200,002+ = 15%

Goods and services tax.


Tax-free exemptions apply to certain goods and services for a period of up to 24 months, based on approval by central seat (legislative) branch after the 90% supermajority vote threshold is met. Then, 5% rate applies to such goods and services. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.


Corporations, other entities including listed and or unlisted, et cetera and so on. Individual income tax applies.

Not-for-profits, foundations, social enterprises, religious institutions, et cetera and so on. Individual income tax applies.

All other taxes are obsolete i.e. capital gains, inheritance, duty stamps, customs, et cetera and so on, no exceptions.


Allocation of taxes.

Each tax number holder has the Freedoms to allocate contributions accordingly. Thus, distributing contributions across chosen government spending and investments buckets.

As per budgetary best practices, there are minimum quotas required for specific buckets and ceilings.

Tax number holders have access to an app where they allocate when, where, how, what and why contributions are allocated for expenditure. For example, a tax number holder can allocate 50% of contributions to be spent and invested in education including comprehensive breakdowns for each category for example of that 50%, 20% goes to primary schools in their electorate area, 10% goes to funding a university of their choice and 30% goes to high schools.

Tax number holders allocate specific contribution amounts to buckets of their choice. For example, $50 for new biology books, et cetera and so on.

These Freedoms and obligations are bound by law for each tax number holder.

Once minimum quotas and ceiling are reached, tax number holders allocate remaining funds to other areas of their own choosing and interests.

The tax office of the Treasury have no say on who, what, when, why, where and how funds are allocated by contributors.

Quotas and ceilings are chosen by elected representatives in accordance with budgetary rules and Treasury guidance.


Budgetary rules.

Government cannot propose, accept or run budgetary deficits unless the central seat (legislative) body approves it with a 90% supermajority vote due to justifiable cause i.e. emergencies, security, et cetera. Such periods cannot exceed 24 months within 10 years and cannot overlap with consecutive fiscal years. During such periods, annual fiscal deficits cannot exceed 2.5% of taxation revenue for each fiscal year.

Government presents annual budget based on the allocations of each contributor.

Buckets and ceilings are guided and established based on allocated contributions by Annual Budget Oversight Committee.

The Annual Budget Oversight Committee is formed consisting of 20% of elected citizenry constituency candidates from central seat (legislative) branch, randomly chosen and equal in status, to ensure appropriate allocation, distribution, administration and management of funds.

The Treasury assists the Budget Oversight Committee in the process. A preliminary annual budget is presented to the central seat (legislative) branch at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year.

Budget is presented by government and approved by central seat (legislative) branch 30 days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year.

Budget approval requires a 90% supermajority vote. Subsequent rounds of voting are completed in case of insufficient votes. The voting process takes place within the 30 day window starting 60 days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year until the 30 days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year is reached.

Government achieves an annual fiscal surplus above 5% of which a third is directed toward paying down government debt (if any whatsoever), a third deposited into the Earth sovereign wealth fund and a third reinvested in key future-proofing public projects, plans, et cetera.


Government debt cannot exceed 20% of gross domestic product ratio ceiling.

Government fund debt (if any whatsoever) with bonds issued by the citizenry.

The Debt Transparency Oversight Committee is formed consisting of 20% of elected citizenry constituency candidates from central seat (legislative) branch, randomly chosen and equal in status, to oversee, reduce and clear government debt.

This is a transparent process and all debt acquired by the government is in accordance with financial guidelines within our own sovereign legal framework.

The public and citizenry know all the information pertaining potential lenders and all terms being discussed in advance at least 90 days prior to any letter of understanding being signed.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

In cases of usury, corruption, unreasonable terms, et cetera, Legal Freedoms apply.  

The citizenry grants a license to the Treasury in trust to be used in extraordinary circumstance only. The singing of any terms requires a 90% supermajority vote by the central seat (legislative) body after the public and citizenry consultation review hearings. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

The Treasury can issue bonds at local, judicial and central government levels up to 20% of gross domestic product ratio ceiling.

The Treasury has a license to issue currency, granted by the citizenry. This license cannot be repurposed, re-leased, relicensed and or forfeited to any third parties whether private, public, foreign and or domestic under any circumstances whatsoever.

The Freedoms to issue currency are of the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth and the Treasury exercises this license in trust only.

Central banks are obsolete.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

The role of the Treasury is that of financial stability with a legal obligation to keep inflation at 0%.

The annual target for annual deflation is between 0.5% and 5%. Meaning, The Republic of Planet Earth's currency purchasing power increases every year accordingly, forever, infinitely.

The Treasury manages Earth sovereign wealth fund within our own financial system.

The Earth sovereign wealth fund is fiscally conservative and highly diversified. At least 5 -10% of Earth sovereign wealth fund is held in precious metals and or alternative assets such as gemstones, fine art and the like (with no less than 5% held in gold and diamonds) all stored in The Republic of Planet Earth's vaults on Earth and outside Earth's orbit.

The Treasury contributes between 5% and 10% of total taxation revenue excluding any surpluses toward the Earth sovereign wealth fund every fiscal year.

The Treasury contributes between 2% and 5% of total taxation revenue excluding any surpluses toward paying down government debt (if any whatsoever) every fiscal year.

After all quotas and ceilings are met as per annual budget, any floating funds i.e. unallocated funds and surpluses are deposited into the Earth sovereign wealth fund within 30 days of the beginning of the new fiscal period.

Earth sovereign wealth fund monies and or assets cannot be withdrawn, liquidated, spent or repurposed by any means unless the central seat (legislative) body approves it with a 90% supermajority vote.

And only up to 10% of the Earth sovereign wealth fund can be withdrawn within a period 48 months, with no more than 2.5% exercised within any given fiscal year.

For the Treasury to solicit a withdrawal approval, a minimum threshold is met due to justifiable cause i.e. emergencies, security, et cetera.

All government expenditure is highly scrutinised and stored in a distributed ledger where all tax number holders and contributors can access within their app.

All user hashes and timestamps for each transaction are publicly available to contributors.

Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Full Visibility and Full Disclosure Freedoms apply.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.


Banking, all interest rates, deposits, mortgages, fractional banking, funds protection guarantees, et cetera.

The only institution with a license to issue currency on behalf of the citizenry is the Treasury.

Banks (private and or public, foreign and or domestic) have no license to issue currency in any way, shape or form within The Republic of Planet Earth's lands and territories' jurisdictions and constitutional framework.

All bank funds required for their proper functioning are lent and borrowed from the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth and in some cases by the Treasury. All banks are funded with lending terms by buying purposeful citizenry constituency bonds for up to 10-year terms.

Issued by citizenry Constituency, the citizenry, the citizens at 5 - 10% interest rate.

The Treasury is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

The Issue of Currency Freedoms, liberties and rights are of the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

The citizenry possess Infinite Freedoms, liberties, rights, powers, authorities, et cetera and so on and the like regarding The Issue of Currency Freedoms.

All funds lent and borrowed and interests and fees paid are executed through citizenry bonds, the citizenry are the creditors and beneficiaries of all terms, forever, infinitely.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.


Lands and territories.

All lands and territories are owned by the citizenry.

Global Trade Freedoms and Outside Earth’s Orbit Trade Freedoms apply.


Department of Defense and Self-Defense.


Above anything else, the purpose of the Department of Defense and Self-Defense is to serve, safeguard, protect, uphold and defend our Infinite Freedoms, The Republic of Planet Earth, our citizenry and our constitutional framework on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Department of Defense and Self-Defense, united as one infinite eternal voice of The Republic of Planet Earth, acts on behalf of our citizenry to serve, safeguard, protect, uphold and defend our Infinite Freedoms, The Republic of Planet Earth, our citizenry and our constitutional framework on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

Our citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth have Infinite Freedoms to defend ourselves from those wishing us harm, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth are at once simultaneously heads of state and commanders-in-chief, forever, infinitely.

We do not live in a state of war and or declare war to any states, species, peoples, sentient beings, et cetera and so on regardless of their biological and or both synthetic nature and or their dimensional existence including their level of intelligence, consciousness and self-awareness status.

The Department of Defense and Self-Defense is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.


Local, judicial and central governance.

The local, judicial and central governments are the same.

Thus, government means (1) local, (2) central (legislative) and executive office and (3) judicial governance levels.

The Treasury funds all government lending terms on behalf of the owners, creditors and beneficiaries of all purposeful citizenry constituency bonds, the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

The government funds lending terms by buying purposeful citizenry constituency bonds for up to 25-year terms.

Issued by citizenry Constituency, the citizenry, the citizens at 0 - 5% interest rate.

Government pays individual income tax on all funding.

The government that is to say (1) local, (2) central (legislative) and executive office and (3) judicial branches pay individual income tax on all funding.

The government is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Defense and Sef-Defense Freedoms apply.


Local government role reduced by at least 80%, that is to say all councils and the like.

Rates, levies, fees, et cetera and so on and the like are obsolete. 

The Treasury funds the local government with lending terms based on tax contributions and allocations.

The government funds lending terms by buying purposeful citizenry constituency bonds for up to 25-year terms. Issued by citizenry constituency, the citizenry, the citizens at 0 - 5% interest rate.

The government pays individual income tax on all funding.

Local government services which do not contribute net-positive outcomes for the citizenry are phased out within 30 days.


Local, judicial and central elections, citizenry candidacy campaigns, electorates and constituency.

The government cannot fund campaigns.

Each citizenry candidate funds campaigns with donations from eligible citizenry constituencies.

No self-funding.  

Donation limit per person of $10,000.

Entities, vehicle, et cetera  and so on and the like cannot make donations, Legal Freedoms apply.

Only humans accountable within The Republic of Planet Earth, that is to say the citizens, permanent residents, residents and certain eligible visa holders can donate.

There is no limit as to the number of citizenry candidates that can register to run for a constituency.

Citizenry candidates are citizens, no exceptions.

Electoral Transparency and Oversight Committee is formed consisting of 20% of elected citizenry constituency candidates from central seat (legislative) branch, randomly chosen and equal in status, to warrant free elections based on transparency, end-to-end ballot counting visibility, accountability, et cetera and so on. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

The citizenry and the public are free to form watches and have custody of the votes until the end of each election cycle.

Elections dates, term length and periods remain the same.

The free press whether public or private (foreign and or domestic) adheres to Electoral Freedoms.

The citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth have Electoral Freedoms warranting impartiality, unbiased mediums and media. Thus, equally distributing the voices of all citizenry constituency candidates across all their distribution networks, channels and spaces, no exceptions. Electoral Freedoms apply.

During local, central and judicial electoral cycles the free press warrants and guarantees equally distributed space cover throughout the whole end-to-end electoral cycle to all citizenry constituencies candidates.

The citizenry constituency candidates form any number of debates, conversations, events, et cetera and so on and the like across constituencies.

The free press (mediums and media) is present and covers all debates.  

A citizenry constituency candidate cannot run for multiple constituencies simultaneously.

The number of seats of all government levels are equally distributed, not proportional, in terms of electoral populations also accounting for population growth. For example, the electoral constituency ratio-to-representation needs to be within a per capita band range warranting and guaranteeing equal representation across all citizenry constituencies of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Citizenry constituency representation ratio for each citizenry constituency candidacy.

Central seat (legislative) branch = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 20,000 citizenry constituents.  

Judicial seat branch = 2 citizenry constituency candidate : 10,000 citizenry constituents.  

Local seat branch = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 5,000 citizenry constituents.

Electoral Freedoms apply.


Buildings of government are owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.



Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Full Visibility and Full Disclosure Freedoms apply.


The citizenry.

The citizenry are the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Citizens have Freedoms to lend and borrow funds to other permanent residents, residents and certain eligible visa holders.

Citizens are de facto banks.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.

In case of usury terms, et cetera and so on, Legal Freedoms apply.


The state and government have no Freedoms, liberties and or rights.

The citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth have all Freedoms, liberties and rights.

The state and government are owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.


Department of Justice, judicial branch and the legal system.


The Department of Justice is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Above anything else, the purpose of The Department of Justice is to warrant and guarantee Legal Freedoms and all Infinite Freedoms of our citizenry and the Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Department of Justice, united as one infinite eternal voice of The Republic of Planet Earth, acts on behalf of our citizenry to warrant and guarantee Legal Freedoms and all Infinite Freedoms on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Infinite Freedoms apply.

Legal Freedoms apply.


Freedoms and contract law.

Freedoms cannot be negotiated away.

Any way, shape or form of agreement and or contract under any jurisdiction on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit implying such anti-freedom deeds directly, indirectly, covertly, overtly, aware, unaware, conscious, unconscious, et cetera and so on are hereby declared null and void by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth, forever, infinitely.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

The Department of Defense and Self-Defense and the Department of State or Foreign Office are owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.


Rights of corporations, trusts, institutions, non-governmental organisations, foundations, social enterprises, sole traders, intergovernmental and international treaties and agreements, entities, et cetera, no exceptions.

They have no Freedoms, liberties and or rights.

The citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth have all Freedoms, liberties and rights.


Benefits, stipends, pension, superannuation, et cetera and so on and the like are obsolete.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.


Department of State or Foreign Office.


Above anything else, the purpose of the Department of State or Foreign Office is to warrant and guarantee the Freedoms, liberties and rights of the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

Any biding treaties and or agreements hindering, prohibiting, depriving and or stopping, our citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth from having Infinite Freedoms, liberties and rights on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit are withdrawn here and now by the citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth to warrant and guarantee all our Infinite Freedoms and constitutional framework, forever, infinitely.

This includes all states and entities including united nations, red cross, intergovernmental and international treaties and agreements, et cetera and so on and the like including the holy see and knights hospitaller, no exceptions, forever, infinitely.

The Department of State or Foreign Office, united as one infinite eternal voice of The Republic of Planet Earth, acts on behalf of our citizenry regarding other nations, peoples, states, et cetera and so on and the like to warrant and guarantee all our Infinite Freedoms and constitutional framework on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Department of State or Foreign Office is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Infinite Freedoms apply.

Legal Freedoms apply.




Above anything else, the purpose of the Treasury is to warrant and guarantee Economic Freedoms, The Issue of Currency Freedoms and Financial Freedoms of, by and for our citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Treasury, united as one infinite eternal voice of The Republic of Planet Earth, acts on behalf of our citizenry to warrant and guarantee Economic Freedoms, The Issue of Currency Freedoms and Financial Freedoms of, by and for our citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Treasury is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.


Heritage and Legacy Office.


Above anything else. The purpose of the Heritage and Legacy Office is to preserve and honor the heritage and legacy of all peoples, lands and territories of The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Heritage and Legacy Office, united as one infinite eternal voice of The Republic of Planet Earth, acts on behalf of our citizenry to preserve and honor the heritage and legacy of all peoples, lands and territories of The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The Heritage and Legacy Office is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Heritage and Legacy Freedoms apply.


Space Exploration, interstellar travel, intergalactic directive and new technologies.

The citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth, here and now, withdraw from all binding treaties hindering, prohibiting, depriving and or stopping The Republic of Planet Earth, our citizenry and our nation from warranting and guaranteeing our Infinite Freedoms, rights and liberties and constitutional framework on Earth, abroad and outside Earth’s orbit.

This includes all states and entities including united nations, red cross, intergovernmental and international treaties and agreements, et cetera and so on and the like including the holy see and knights hospitaller, no exceptions, forever, infinitely.

The Republic of Planet Earth declares neutrality towards all extra-terrestrial states, species, peoples, sentient beings, et cetera and so on regardless of their biological and or both synthetic nature and or their dimensional existence including their level of intelligence, consciousness and self-awareness status.

All discoveries of uncharted and unclaimed systems, sectors, quadrants, planets and territories, et cetera automatically become part of The Republic of Planet Earth and our citizenry’s Freedoms, rights and liberties are binding, forever, infinitely.

Uncharted and unclaimed means that such systems, sectors, quadrants, planets and territories, et cetera do not currently possess any way, shape or form of extra-terrestrial states, peoples, sentient species, beings, et cetera and so on regardless of their biological and or both synthetic nature and or their dimensional existence including their level of intelligence, consciousness and self-awareness status.


Executive office.


Executive office refers to the 5 departments of the executive branch i.e. (1) Department of Defense and Self-Defense, (2) Department of Justice, (3) Department of State or Foreign Office, (4) Treasury and (5) Heritage and Legacy Office.

Once a year, 5 elected officials, equal in status, are randomly chosen from the central seat (legislative) branch to become secretaries of the executive cabinet. The cabinet rotates every year.

The executive office trains them so the executive branch exercises excellence standard of care, deliver results and represent The Republic of Planet Earth on behalf of the citizenry.

Having said this, all elected central seat (legislative) officials are trained in cabinet roles by the executive office to ensure excellence standards. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Once an elected central seat (legislative) official is chosen for cabinet roles, the same elected candidate cannot hold cabinet positions again for current or any future terms.

If required and or necessary, secretaries of the executive cabinet can be substituted by any elected central seat (legislative) officials. Substitute secretaries of the executive cabinet are randomly chosen from the pool of all elected central seat (legislative) officials and are rotated annually.

The executive office is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.


Citizenry lands and territories freeholds.

Non-citizens 10-year leasehold declaration includes governments, states, sole traders, individuals, listed and or unlisted companies (foreign and or domestic), trusts, see-throughs, entities, foundations, religious institutions, social enterprises, charities, et cetera and so on and the like, forever, infinitely.

Non-citizens cannot own land and or territories including infrastructure, facilities, premises, buildings, grids, et cetera and so on and the like.

They only have leasehold rights for up to 10 years (If eligible).

Foreign Direct Investment Transparency Oversight Committee is formed consisting of 20% of elected citizenry constituency candidates from central seat (legislative) branch, randomly chosen and equal in status, to warrant Lands and Territories Freedoms. 

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Non-citizens cannot own shares of any legal construct and or entity, no exceptions.

Non-citizens cannot hold executive and or non-executive office of such deeds nor exercise any rights on their behalf including signing rights and all other rights, forever, infinitely.

Proxies are obsolete.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.


Judicial branch.

Equal number of elected judges and superintendents. Juries pass down sentences, verdicts, directions and decisions not judges.

Judges simply oversee, guide and lead procedures and cases to warrant due process.

Juries consist of citizenry constituents between 10, 20 and 40 citizens randomly chosen from the each constituency and equal in status.

The numbers of jurors chosen for cases are based on the court level. Meaning, there are three levels of appeal in the court system.

Low court level case = 10 jurors. Jurisdiction of 1 citizenry constituency.

Middle court level case = 20 jurors. Jurisdiction of 2 citizenry constituencies. 10 jurors from each jurisdiction constituency.

High court level case = 40 jurors. Jurisdiction of 4 citizenry constituencies. 10 jurors from each jurisdiction constituency.

New jurors, judges and superintendents, equal in status, are randomly chosen for each level of appeal. Jurisdiction constituencies, jurors, judges and superintendents can only hear the same case once.

Any cases and matters of law can be heard at any jurisdiction constituency regardless of the citizens' place of residence.

Juries pass down sentences, verdicts, directions and decisions based on a 90% supermajority consensus.

Deliberations and open debates where all jurors participate continue on until the minimum threshold of 90% is reached.

The citizens of the jury come to a final decision independently, no outside assistance, feedback, support, et cetera. No outside jury influence nor coercion is accepted. Having said this, after a decision is reached, the citizenry and the public are notified. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms applies, then the jury reassesses final decision based on new findings gained as a result of discovery hearings. Then deliberations and open debates where all jurors participate continue on until the minimum threshold of 90% is reached. Having said this, Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Hearings, conferences and sessions continue until juries reach minimum consensus threshold.

Judges and superintendents are randomly allocated to fill positions throughout and across jurisdictions of the system of courts. Meaning, 1 citizenry constituency = 1 jurisdiction.

Judges and superintendents positions rotate every year. Judges and superintendents randomly rotate positions 3 times during each term.

Judges and superintendents can only hold the same position once in the same term and any future terms.

Superintendents are the elected officials of a constituency police force.

Superintendents enforce juries decisions and lead a constituency police force.

Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Full Visibility and Full Disclosure Freedoms apply.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.


Legal system offenses.

In case of being charged with offenses, citizenry keep Infinite Freedoms, liberties and rights.

Instead, in cases of serious offenses, offending citizens, permanent residents, residents and visa holders have limited Freedoms during the length of the sentence based on the offense or offenses charged by juries after all appealing options are accounted for in order to ensure and warrant Infinite Freedoms.

Citizens always keep Voting Freedoms. However, serious offenders cannot stand for office at any government level during the sentence period including a stand-down period of 10 years after completion of sentence including pardons, et cetera.

Recurrent offenders need to wait for 10 years after the completion of the last offense in order to have Standing for Office Freedoms.

Non-serious offenders (excluding minor offenders) cannot stand for office during the sentence period including a stand-down period of 3 years after completion of sentence.

Minor offenders cannot stand for office during the sentence period.

Any sentenced offender under imprisonment during any election cycle has the Freedoms to choose which electorates they vote for based on any residential address they have lived in for at least 90 consecutive days in the last 10 years before imprisonment.


Electoral constituencies enrollment.

Citizenry enrollment in electoral constituencies at any of the 3 levels of governance.

Citizenry constituency candidates enroll for electoral constituencies based on any residential addresses they have lived in for at least 90 consecutive days in the last 3 years.


Citizens abroad and outside Earth’s orbit electoral constituencies enrollment.

Citizens enroll for electoral constituencies based on any residential addresses they have lived in for at least 90 consecutive days in the last 10 years before their latest departure. In case a citizen has not lived on Earth, such a constituent enrolls for electoral constituencies based on any residential addresses they have lived in for at least 90 consecutive days anywhere abroad and or outside Earth’s orbit.


Voting age, adulthood age and standing for office age.



Age of consent.

16 - 18.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.


Driving air and sea transports age.



Driving terrestrial and land transports age.



Driving Earth and outside Earth’s orbit transports age.



Private property.

Private Property Freedoms apply.

Physical and Non-physical Properties Freedoms apply.


Private and government debt.

All government debt incurred prior to the founding of The Republic of Planet Earth is hereby here and now declared forgiven by all creditors and claimants, forever, infinitely.

All private debt incurred by our citizenry is hereby here and now declared forgiven by all creditors and claimants, forever, infinitely.

Our citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth are immune to any debt claims put forward by anyone or anything forever, infinitely.

Non-citizens who have Freedoms, liberties and rights within The Republic of Planet Earth renegotiate all their debts within The Republic of Planet Earth. Thus, all their former debts are hereby here and now forgiven, forever, infinitely.

Economic Freedoms, Financial Freedoms and The Issue of Currency Freedoms apply.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.


Central seat (legislative) branch and executive office.

Elections every 3 years.

Central seat = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 20,000 citizenry constituents.  

A limit of 3 terms applies to all citizenry constituency candidates regardless of whether the terms are consecutive or non-consecutive.


Judicial branch.

Elections every 3 years.

Judicial seat = 2 citizenry constituency candidates (1 judge and 1 superintendent) : 10,000 citizenry constituents.  

A limit of 3 terms applies to all citizenry constituency candidates regardless of whether the terms are consecutive or non-consecutive.


Local branch.

Elections every 3 years.

Local seat = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 5,000 citizenry constituents.

A limit of 3 terms applies to all citizenry constituency candidates regardless of whether the terms are consecutive or non-consecutive.


Electoral cycle calendar.

1st year - local seat branch.

2nd year - judicial seat branch.

3rd year - central seat (legislative) branch and executive office.


3 Levels of electorates based on citizenry constituency ratios = 3 levels.

3 electoral levels of governance.

1 : 5,000.

2 : 10,000.

1 : 20,000.


Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms and public hearings.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth are at once simultaneously heads of state and commanders-in-chief, forever, infinitely.

Any citizen can present evidence and reasons within any constituency and exercise Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms.

As a result, public hearings immediately start and discovery processes commence to gather all evidence, facts, reasons, et cetera and so on. Then, if required, referendums and petitions can take place when 10% any constituency requests so.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.


Joining The Republic of Planet Earth.


Because of the Infinite Free Will of the citizenry, The Republic of Planet Earth hereby, here and now, grants Freedoms, independence and sovereignty to all peoples and states.

Any free, independent and sovereign peoples, state, et cetera and so on from Earth of outside Earth’s orbit can formally request to join the citizenry and The Republic of Planet Earth.

Once the process is completed, all former states cease to exist and such lands and territories form part of The Republic of Planet Earth.

The citizenry of such former states are granted all our Freedoms, liberties, rights.

Essentially, they are equal in status to all other citizens of the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Thus, they are citizens, the citizenry.

All constitutional frameworks apply.

The new lands and territories are part of the jurisdictions of the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.

Meaning, the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth own all new lands and territories.

Political parties and central banks of the former states are hereby, here and now, obsolete.

Citizenry constituency candidates and constituencies rules apply for local, central (legislative) and judicial elections.

Central seat = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 20,000 citizenry constituents  

Judicial seat = 2 citizenry constituency candidates (1 judge and 1 superintendent) : 10,000 citizenry

Local seat = 1 citizenry constituency candidate : 5,000 citizenry constituents.

The heritage and legacy of all new lands and territories are preserved and honored as part of joining The Republic of Planet Earth.


Oath of Allegiance to The Republic of Planet Earth.

The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, is constituted by the Infinite Free Will of our citizens.

The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation and all of our citizens are free, sovereign and independent.

The Republic of Planet Earth and all of our nation’s powers and authorities are us, the citizens.

Each citizen of The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, is self-sovereign.

We stand free, united and equal as The Republic of Planet Earth, one nation, on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.  

We live in The Free, Sovereign and Independent Republic of Planet Earth on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.

We, the citizens, are the powers and authorities of The Republic of Planet Earth on Earth and outside Earth’s orbit, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth declare Earth and outside Earth’s orbit neutrality towards all states and peoples.

All powers and authorities are the infinite love of all our citizens at once simultaneously, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth are at once simultaneously heads of state and commanders-in-chief, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth own the state and government of The Republic of Planet Earth, forever, infinitely.

The citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth come together to form a democratically elected government that exercises administrative functions of the state representing our nation’s domestic and foreign affairs and interests.

The purpose of our government and elected officials is to safeguard, uphold, protect, defend, strengthen and promote the Freedoms, liberties and rights of the citizens of The Republic of Planet Earth, our nation, permanent residents, residents and certain eligible visa holders.

Our Infinite Freedoms, liberties and rights.

0. Infinite Free Will

1. True Self Freedoms  

Our Freedoms to forge our own paths, make our own decisions, take action, choose our own identities, purposes, destinations, in all matters of existence, forever, infinitely.

2. Infinite Freedoms

Our Freedoms are infinite, endless, limitless, boundless and eternal. We understand that new forms of Freedoms emerge, we claim them all Freedoms, forever, infinitely.

3. Infinite Energy Freedoms

Our citizens have infinite energy sovereignty and independence. Zero point and over unity systems, propulsion, gravity mastery and all new technologies belong to the citizenry including patents, the like and all Freedoms to current and future discoveries.

4. Time Freedoms

5. Identity Freedoms

6. Purpose Freedoms

7. Action Freedoms

8. Truth Freedoms

9. Speech Freedoms

Our minds and words are spoken freely, forever, infinitely.

10. Press Freedoms

Our mediums, media and the like are free, forever, infinitely.

11. Expression Freedoms

Our lives and actions are expressed freely, forever, infinitely.

12. Movement Freedoms

Our destinations are ours forever, infinitely.

13. Assembly Freedoms  

Our union is eternal, forever, infinitely.

14. Worship Freedoms

Our beliefs, values, principles, morals, ethics, wisdoms, et cetera and so on are sacred forever, infinitely.

15. Political Freedoms  

We are free to stand for office and elect others to office, Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms, petitions, referendums, et cetera, forever, infinitely.

16. Economic Freedoms  

We are prosperous, abundant and free from debt, forever, infinitely.

17. Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms

We defend ourselves from those wishing us harm, forever, infinitely.

18. Legal Freedoms

We honor due process of law, forever, infinitely.

19. Human Freedoms

20. Education Freedoms

21. Housing and Accommodation Freedoms

22. Technological Freedoms

23. Full Health Freedoms

24. Cultural Freedoms

25. Environmental and Natural Resources Freedoms

26. Global Trade Freedoms

27. Institutional Freedoms

28. Heritage and Legacy Freedoms

29. Intellectual Property Freedoms

30. Quality Assurance Freedoms

31. Food Freedoms

32. Medical Freedoms

33. Full Body Freedoms

34. Physical and Non-physical Properties Freedoms

35. Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Full Visibility and Full Disclosure Freedoms

36. The Issue of Currency Freedoms

Our citizenry can issue currency to cover all standard expenses of living required to warrant and guarantee all our Infinite Freedoms. Citizens act within reason, apply common sense and adhere to non-inflationary best practices to ensure Economic Freedoms and Financial Freedoms, forever, infinitely.

37. Financial Freedoms

38. Lands and Territories Freedoms

Our citizenry owns all the lands, territories and uncharted unclaimed discoveries of, by and for The Republic of Planet Earth that is to say freehold, forever, infinitely.

39. Private Property Freedoms40. Electoral Freedoms

41. Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms

Any citizen can present evidence and reasons within any constituency of the levels of governance and exercise Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms. As a result, public hearings immediately start and discovery processes commence to gather all evidence, facts, reasons, et cetera and so on.

42. Voting Freedoms

43. Standing for Office Freedoms

44. Destination Freedoms

45. Space and Vacuum Freedoms

46. Flow Freedoms

47. True North Freedoms

48. Compass Freedoms

49. Fantasies and Illusions Freedoms

50. Why-How Freedoms

51. Here and Now Freedoms

52. Singularities Freedoms

53. Outside Earth’s Orbit Trade Freedoms

54. Infinite Consent Freedoms

55. Infinite Eternities Freedoms

56. Sundial Freedoms

57. Consciousness and Self-Awareness Freedoms


Local government.


The purpose of local government is to guarantee the proper functioning of the administrative state at a local level of governance.

The local government jurisdictions are based on electorates. Each electorate seat is presided by an elected local citizenry constituency candidate who represents a citizenry constituency of no more than 5,000 citizens.

Elected local citizenry constituency candidates are randomly allocated to fill positions throughout and across jurisdictions of local governance. Meaning, 1 citizenry constituency = 1 jurisdiction.

Elected local citizenry constituency officials positions rotate every year. Elected local citizenry constituency officials randomly rotate positions 3 times during each term.

Within this jurisdiction, the local government’s purpose is to warrant and guarantee all public services to function at the highest standard of excellence possible. Such public services include infrastructure, buildings, funds, grids, et cetera and so on.

The Heritage and Legacy Office bestows on elected local citizenry constituency candidates the duty of care of all public services within the jurisdiction of their citizenry constituency for the 3-year electoral term.

The local government is owned by the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.


Earth and outside Earth’s orbit.


Earth and outside Earth’s orbit implies foreign affairs and interests of the citizenry of The Republic of Planet Earth.


For example, no one can act unilaterally on behalf of The Republic of Planet Earth regardless of position, status, et cetera and so on and the like.

All Freedoms apply.



Elected officials cannot be members of 2 or more committees simultaneously. A limit of 1 committee per electoral term. Committee members rotate every year. No exceptions.

Elected officials can only be members of the same committee once. Applicable across and throughout the 3-term limit regardless of whether the terms are consecutive or non-consecutive.

All committee members of the 5 committees of the central seat (legislative) branch are randomly chosen simultaneously.

Committee decisions are reached with a 90% supermajority vote.

Defense and Self-Defense Freedoms apply.

Infinite Veto Powers Freedoms apply.